Discipline and Accountable approach to your personal & professional life.

HillRidge Consulting provides help business owners take a hold of their gifts and resources, and maximize their power to do good in the world — for themselves and for others. We thrive on pushing individuals to show up and love the life they live.


Your life is meant to be lived. Your passions are meant to be pursued. The desires you hold in your heart and mind are there for a reason. You already have everything you need to create the life and business you desire.

We put the mirror up and ask you “Do you like what you see?”. Our coaching is a transformative process. Its not about becoming something you are not, it’s about unbecoming all the things that tell you can’t be, do and have everything you have ever wanted.

You can. You will.


This life is all we have, friends.
Let’s make it count, together.

What Clients Are Saying about their
Coaching Experience:

“Working with Retha has been transformative both professionally and personally. After years of pretty much winging it with our podcast - which had been successful almost in spite of us - my friend Melanie and I started working with Retha twice a month to incorporate more structure into that part of our lives. Now we actually have routines and processes for how we manage the business we never expected to have, and as a result the podcast has grown in ways we never could have imagined. Retha's practical, direct, strategic coaching has made all the difference. From a personal perspective, Retha's insight has been absolutely invaluable. She has challenged me to examine places where my practices haven't been in line with my principles, and she has asked me hard questions that have prompted big changes in my everyday life. I'm deeply grateful for Retha's wisdom, her guidance, and her accountability. Because of all of these things, I feel like I'm truly living and working in alignment with my core values. What a gift!”

- Sophie Hudson, Author and co-host of The Big Boo Cast

“Retha is absolutely amazing! Having her as my coach has been one of the best things for me. She is no nonsense, will tell you like it is, hold you accountable, and do it all with love. She wholeheartedly cares for her clients and it shows as she guides you through life and business. It is such a blessing to have her in my life.”

- Ann Keen

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“Boost your calm and banish your crazy” is exactly what you did for me. As a wife, mom, and business owner finding a (healthy, doable & REAL) balance was HARD! After a few sessions of applying the “simple” tools suggested, I began to see a shift & the value of having a “coach”. I’m so excited about the direction my life is headed in as I crush each & every one of my goals. Thank you sooooo much Retha! Disclaimer for prospects: Be prepared to do the work.”

- Bryonda Collins

“I have grown so much as a person and as a small business owner since I started coaching with Retha! Meeting goals and growing my business like a boss! My personal growth has been an extra bonus that was unplanned when I started this journey- she gets me and I am blessed to have her guidance!”

- Mary Steadman