Your life is meant to be lived. Your passions are meant to be pursued. The desires you hold in your heart and mind are there for a reason. You already have everything you need to create the life and business you desire.

Retha puts the mirror up and ask you “Do you like what you see?”. Her coaching is a transformative process. Its not about becoming something you are not, it’s about unbecoming all the things that tell you can’t be, do and have everything you have ever wanted.

You can. You will.

And I am here to help you build a life and business you wake up on fire for everyday and think,

“I can’t believe this is my life”.

Speaking Topics:

Finding God in trials and suffering

Importance of Community

Finding your God-given purpose

Leadership and Discipline

Diversity & Inclusion

Capacity & Goal Setting

Pursuing everyday balance

I’m currently booking speaking engagements for 2023.

Please contact me here if you think I may be a good fit for your group or organization, and I’d be thrilled to pray, fellowship and speak to you all.

Resonate with what you read? I would be honored to connect with you, fill out the form send us an email. 
